Folder level permissions
in progress
Koert P.
We would also like to have permissions to look into certain passwords. We have a first support line and a second support line. I don't want the first support line to be able to see certain passwords.
David M
I assume this would apply to Global KB and everywhere - an important feature. Would also be great to have hierarchical document structure - so in addition to folders, documents could be 'sub-documents' of another document. So in the 'Vendors' folder there might be 'Microsoft' with sub-documents of 'Licensing', 'Partner portal', etc. Confluence does this well, and the top level folder permissions trickle down to the sub documents. Allowing access to the "Microsoft' document would include all the sub-documents related to Microsoft.
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Entire Password Folder Permissions
Ellie S.
Provide the capability to restrict access to the entire Passwords folder within select clients.
Kristen W.
in progress
Aaron Kinder
A solid recommendation.
Taylor T.
This would really benefit our company!!
Bob H.
This would be a great feature to our company as well.
Ken P.
I have also had similar situations come up in our company, we want the ability to restrict access to specific items within a folder not just access to the entire folder. Would be immensely helpful.
Todd Maddex
As I was reviewing adding a client to their own portal, I saw that if no folders exist in the client's company KB folder, it suggests adding our main Standard Operating Procedures folder (the only top level folder in our Global KB ). It would be epically bad if one of our administrators accidentally shared this global SOP folder to one of our clients if they were not paying attention. I need my techs to be able to see this folder, obviously, but NOT be able to share it outside of our company. Is there any way to accomplish this? Again, the folder permissions and functionality seems to be majorly lacking for Hudu.
The Hudu Team
Merged in a post:
Folder Restrictions
Brandon D.
IT would be great to restrict a group access to certain folders in the KB. We can restrict by article, but it would be great just to restrict on the whole folder.
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