Tagging for knowledge base
Brent N.
Having a folder structure for the knowledge base is cool, but more often than not, articles fall under multiple categories.
It would be nice to be able to enter tags on articles which could be used to search and or sort them. When entering tags, Hudu would autocomplete as you type to help you pick either administratively defined tags or custom tags added by others.
#kb #qualityoflife #organization
Kristen W.
Chris I.
I agree, this feature is one of the things that make other tools I use for personal note taking (like Obsidian) so powerful in terms of fine-tuning document searching and filtering.
Steve Hampson
Why wouldn't you just use the search to find what you need?
Jayson S.
This would revolutionize the Global KB!
Danielle Z.
Yes please!!!
Tim T.
This would be huge and would allow us to actually use the KB system. This is the only thing holding us back now: we can't decide on a functional folder structure/hierarchy that is intuitive/easy for new techs when onboarding.
The traditional folder/hierarchy system doesn't work when an article could/should reside in more than folder. This is where tags should come in. I can simply have a single, top level folder "How-To" or "Guides" and then tag out to all the relevant contexts (one-to-many relationship, i.e. tags: how-to, virtualization, security, dev, voip, all might be relevant.) This is utilized heavily on Confluence.
As a bonus, search and smart views that can filter based on tags would be a god-send!! We have many similar articles that differ slightly depending on context, so pre-filtering by tag when we search would help us see just the specific article we want instead of all 5 similarly named articles.
Jordan H.
in review
Ayla M.
This is the primary reason we haven't migrated our KB's over to Hudu since our old CRM has extensive tagging. I'll jump on it as soon as this is implemented.
Benny C.
Would def love if tags were implemented in KB articles, or some type of keyword search that would aid in locating specifically tagged articles, especially since it's in use in other areas on the site! (see passwords area) Why wouldn't ya!
Very good idea I used to add Meta tags onto my OneNote just for visibility on alternate wording (disk vs disc etc) and was missing this feature
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