Merge Clients
David Y.
I'd like to be able to merge clients together. The parent/child relationships seem to only be UI candy and don't actually do anything.
Two of my clients have merged into 1 organization, and I'd very much like to merge all of their documentation records together so I don't have to keep remembering which item belongs in which Hudu client.
This also affects my integrations with Hudu. Most of my other systems already have the clients merged together, so now when matching companies, things are a little off.
The Hudu Team
Merged in a post:
Merging companies within Hudu
Nick Shmakov
Ability to merge two or more companies when or if there is a duplicate, acquisition, company created in error etc
Sean G.
Imperative to be able to merge customers. Especially directly after onboarding. May things can happen during a migration from one platform to another. And now we're faced with a huge project of moving the data out of old IT Glue assets to existing or new assets in Hudu
David Y.
I found out that the only way to merge clients right now is to export the client, then import them again into the owning client. This sounds good in theory, but the CSV format for the export and import processes are
significantly different
. Since there are more CSV files than asset types, it has now become a full blown project to migrate data from one area of Hudu to another.