Keep global process in sync with child processes
Adam J.
There may need to be some optional controls to make this viable, but I'd love the option to sync a process I've installed from a global template into a client back with the global template. This would allow us to update a process at the global level and then filter that down to the areas in which it is used. This wouldn't necessarily need to be automatic, but the core capability would make this feature more usable long-term.
Danielle Z.
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Update processes from a template
Tyler W.
If one creates a process template. Then uses that template for multiple clients, then adds an item to the original template, there's no way to add that step to the processes already done.
Use case: Create a process for configuration steps for something like a Microsoft 365 tenant. Later a new feature is added by MS, and we want to add that item to all of our clients without having to re-do the process.
mohammad zahir
This is exactly what we need. For example if we wanted to add a step like "Setup Duo" to our onboarding - we have to then edit every template for every client which is not practical.
Phil Burke
Think this would make much more sense than having to recreate templates each time there is a change. It would be great if completed processes such as onboarding were also then flagged for change. Eg a new step is added to 'M365 setup' would then flag all companies with that specific step until they are updated again.
Dan E.
Was coming here to add this.
This is a great way to build out processes as you develop them, rather than having to wait for the perfect time to deploy across sites.
One example could be onboarding. Where you add a new step like setting up GDAP, but it's also something you have to do across all current clients.
Edit an onboarding process and be given two options
1) Re-open process and the revised/added steps across all Companies
2) Only apply to new companies
Or perhaps a view where you can see the onboarding process in its current state across all companies, and you can select the companies you want to update with the latest version.