ISO Compliance Through New Features
Ben Minehan
There are a few features missing that would help with being able to comply with ISO9001/27001
These features include:
* A formal article / process approval and/or review function
Whenever an article/process is created/edited it should be QA'd and approved before it is published.
* Having expiration rules on KB Articles / Processes
For example, whenever an article/process is created / edited / reviewed the expiration is reset to X amount of days ahead
* Article/Process ownership
Documentation requires an "owner" who is responsible for the state of the documentation
Currently these features would either have to be a manual process using flags, and partly could be achieved through API calls
As processes currently don't have flags (this is in the roadmap) or expirations, it would not be possible to comply using processes currently.
I'm sure there are other parts of both 9001/27001 that could be made easier with features but these were the ones I had run into so far.