The Hudu Team
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Seth E.
Please add the ability to generate a share link when creating processes through the API.
The Hudu Team
Merged in a post:
Expand Process Endpoint in API
Chris Davis
The API endpoint for Processes (procedures) could use some TLC.
- Allow a way to create a new process from an existing template via API.
Currently, the "kickoff" endpoint will only duplicate a template process with another template process.
- Allow for a way to mark a process as template or not.
- Allow for a way to "tick" a process check box via the API. Likewise, untick a check box via API.
- Allow for a way to subscribe process updates via a webhook. Example: someone ticks a box in a process -> Trigger an outbound HTTP API call to an external endpoint.
- Allow for the "Assigned to" and notes fields to be updated via API.
Jordan H.
in progress
Craig P.
This actually exists (/procedures/{id}/kickoff)
However additional functionality would give this value:
-create/update/complete tasks
-create/update due dates
-create/update Assignees
-create/manage templates
-anything we can do from the UI, do from the API
Andy Skrzypczak
This would be great for onboarding new clients
This would be huge for us. I'm pulling in backups via another API, and I want to create a process task to mark each failed backup as reviewed/fixed.
Malachi C.
Hoping to see this too, I was wanting to use the API to create a process and be able to create & update the tasks
Tanner S.
I would like to see the process API expand, not only for creating processes, but allowing updates to tasks. I think there is a lot of potential here.
Robert E Gandley
Really hoping to get this soon. One of the biggest features holding us back.
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