Asset Layout Icons
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Would like to see a server icon made available
Eric B.
Something like the attached
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Icons for Different Flavors of Linux Under Asset Layouts
Jeff Yana
I wanted to add a custom icon to my Linux server but could not find anything for Ubuntu. How about adding icons for the various Linux Distros out there?
Atticus S.
I agree, and perhaps something like this so you could also upload custom icons from your local device. Just a thought.
Eric B.
Eric B.
Perhaps a virtual server / hypervisor?
Brian D.
As a workaround you can get the icon class name you wish to use from and put it in asset_layouts.icon field in the DB for your custom asset and it will appear correctly in the portal
Eric B.
Brian D.: How does an end-user get access to the db field? I'm editing a copy of the backup template and I don't see any way to get at a field in the db.
Brian D.
Eric B.: Hi Eric, you have to write it to the database. I use pgadmin4 to write the FA class name to asset_layouts.icon field. I doubt it's supported and it's possible to break stuff if you're not sure what you're doing, but it's a workaround until we can get GUI support for the whole FA library. Hope that helps.
William H.
Just being able to have the whole free FA library through some sort of icon picker would be enough for me... Whilst it is hardly a critical feature, it would be nice to have a few more (Looking for a sim card, mobile phone and a few others right now and instantly came searching on here!)
Eric B.
Agree it would be easier to just upload a couple of simple ones we care about (like a tape backup icon, etc.).