Better Search for Browser Extension
Having the browser extension search "notes" would be really helpful.
This please!
1 - Currently a search string only searches the beginning of words in the description field. So if the description is "My Favorite Website" and the search is "site", this result won't be found!
2 - Other fields should be included in search. Specifically the URL and username should be included, because sometimes we search for the website URL, but the description doesn't match. However the first issue mentioned needs to be addressed first because if the URL is "", the search string of "website" will not match!
3 - Provide an option for searching across both Company Passwords and My Vault Passwords.
4 - This isn't related to the search function, but in the results. Bring the "Open in New Tab" button out to the listings instead of requiring to click into the "See Details" button first.