Group Related Assets Together by Type
Brian D.
When we associate multiple custom assets of the same type to another asset we'd like if they show grouped together by the associated asset type. For example, if we associate multiple articles to the same asset they group together but similar related assets are broken out one by one.
The Hudu Team
Now available with Hudu v2.28.4 or later
The Hudu Team
Merged in a post:
Asset link splitting related items
Emil A.
With normal related items it stacks under same Asset (test printing) but with Asset link it creates seperate even tho its the «same path» (test apps: computer Asset)
Naftuli H.
The Hudu Team I have a ticket open for this issue. It's not a feature, it's a bug, and it seems like it wasn't fixed in today's update.
The Hudu Team
Naftuli H.: Hi! We had launched a solution for this in beta 2.28 but decided to pull it as it didn't solve the issue correctly. We're still very aware of this and will be re-evaluating and launching in an upcoming release.
Colin L.
Can we include the Client NAME too in this list so we can identity which clients assets are in the list
Mark Rogers
Yes, yes. I'd really like to see this implemented.
The Hudu Team
in progress
Justin E.
Yes please fix this, this seams to be a bug / missed item. When asset links are used as a field. When you click on the asset link and see the related items, they are listed with their asset type and then asset. They should be grouped by asset type.
Chris Jantzen
When there are a large amount of related items this is a huge QOL improvement! When comparing a page with around 100 related items in Hudu versus ITG, it is MUCH easier to parse through these in ITG. It just looks like a jumbled mess in Hudu with that many related items.